When’s the last time someone asked you how you are really doing?

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Christform is a Singapore church that’s about coming together in mentorship, discipleship, and community to become increasing like Jesus… a process we call Christforming… until we are ultimately Christformed.

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How do I overcome loneliness?
Modern society is facing a loneliness epidemic... ironic given that, on the one hand, we are more connected than ever before. Yet, it's a connection that tends to be "a mile whide and an inch deep" so to speak. Connection rarely delves below the most superficial and...
How do I become a Christian?
Every follower of Jesus at some point asks "how do I become a Christian?" It's a great question! It's actually pretty straightforward and it's all about choosing to follow Jesus. Starting off is simple because there's two key things: Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare...
How do I know I’m saved?
So, you're asking, "How do I know I'm saved?" It's a big question and super relevant, especially when you're navigating your faith journey. First things first, let's hit the core of it. Romans 10:9 lays it down: "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and...