
What is Christform?

Christform is a Christian church for Millenials and Gen-Z’s in Singapore. We believe that following God is about more than just showing up to hear a sermon, but is a process of Christforming, a process of discipleship, mentorship, and sanctification. We aim to see people reach the fullness of Christ wherein they are Christformed.

So, in short: Christform is who we are, Christforming is what we do, and Christformed is our goal.

woman in grey t-shirt and black pants in water

Who’s behind Christform

Samuel Tai

Samuel Tai

Founder and Lead Pastor

Samuel has been serving in ministry for over three decades. He’s the author of Poiema God’s Handiwork, a much-needed voice representing Pentecostal systematic theology. He’s an avid cyclist, life coach, and has a passion for teaching.

What makes Christform… well “Christform?”

Our focus on making disciples

We believe God has called each and every follower of Christ to discover their gifting and we are on a mission to help them do that through a discipleship process we call “Christforming” until they fully represent Christ, a.k.a. are “Christformed.” We believe it’s our responsibility as a church to help them get there!

Faith beyond the pew

You aren’t called to follow God just one day a week, so why would your church focus on only one day? Christform approaches life holistically by offering worship services, one on one discipleship, life skill mentoring, family support, community development, and social opportunities. Whether at work or with your family, we come along side you.

Genuine Christian community

We believe that following God is a “team sport” that isn’t meant to be played alone! Whether you are in your 20’s, 30’s, or 40’s, we have structured Christform so that you never need to do life alone. If you don’t like people checking in on you to see how you are doing, then Christform isn’t for you! 

Careful contextual exegetics

Being a church is a bit moot if you can’t properly teach the messages the scripture writers were conveying. We always focus on how a section of scripture would have been understood conceptually at its time and place and how that same concept applies in 21st century Singapore. We don’t believe in elevating later traditions or theological inventions above the actual recorded teachings found in the Bible.

Meaningful outreach

We aren’t seeking converts, but are offering an invitation to connect with God through loving, serving, and advocating on behalf of the disadvantaged and those in need regardless of socio-economic standing. We especially have a heart for showing compassion to and connecting those who are facing anxiety, loneliness, and other mental wellness challenges with the God and care.


There's over 600 churches in Singapore, why do we need another one?

Unfortunately, most churches are failing to reach Gen-Z and Millennials. Even fewer are willing to address the problems these generations of Christians face today like anxiety or loneliness.

What denomination is Christform?

We are a nondenominational Christian church. That said, we are a church that brings back the best of the Pentecostal tradition without falling into the pitfalls of fundamentalist literalism.